Thursday, 23 February 2012

Make a fake call / any number to any number call

Hello friends  here is a trick for through which you can make fake call ( call spoofing ).

CrazyCall is the ultimate tool for making prank calls and fooling your friends.You can change your CallerID, so when you call someone he sees on his Caller ID display the number you selected.You can also change the pitch of your voice for deep and creepy or high and funny.

1. First go to

2. Select your country.
3. Type the number  that you want to appear on your friends phone when he receives the call
4. Enter your number.
5. Select pitch and click on  "Get me a code "
6. Then you will get two thing a number and a code 
7. Call to that number from your moblie
8. When they asks you enter the code.
9. Thats it now call will be connected to your friend but insted of your number, the number which you entered earlier will be displayed to him.

Note :

1. Please dont use this for illegal activites, i am not responsibile for such things.
2. International call charges will be applied for that call.

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